Monday, December 14, 2009

Unheard Female Emcee

Will the REAL female emcee please stand up?!? Show your faces. The female rap game is so degraded and disrespected. It seems only chick getting her chance in the lime light is the one willing to show her ass and spit about other parts on her body. I guess I can't knock their hustle but where does that leave the chicks like I that just spit the real. shit you can feel. Not showing no skin or talking bout a mans sh!t either?

I blame Lil Kim,Foxy Brown and Trina for how low the bar has been set for women in the rap game. Emcees before the broads such as MC Lyte,Lauryn Hill,Queen LaTifah,Charlie Baltimore and Angie Martinez are what female lyricism is all about. They had a song that made you feel exactly what they were seeing. 'Ican do what you do easy,frontin niggas give me hee bee gee bees' is one of the rawest bars in hip-hop history to me and it was by a female. a chick. a woman. Lauryn Hill brought the noise every time she opened her mouth and graced the booth with her prescence. Vocally and lyrically. So when females get out here and talk about their private parts and what they can do,have done or will do with them it kind of offends me. Where's the class?

My homeboys tell me if I want to shine I'll have to sexy my rhymes up and show some skin. My response to them is: people across the nation are going to hear my 16's & love them. I refuse to degrade myself for a magazine cover. Another comment I get that offends me is: my flow needs a lil work.I don't mean to toot my own horn but,I'm killing most men out here and any female not bustin her coochee wide open doesn't hold a candle to me.

I loathe female lyricists not receiving the respect deserved because they don't demand it it. There needs to be a change in the delivery of these chicks,is all I'm saying. Its hard carrying this torch alone. But I'll do it. Hip hop is my husband and our babies name is music. I'll do anything to make sure he's represented and platformed like he need be.

Shaking ass,showing titts and talking bout giving dome is 97 low-grade chick emcee talk. Man up,get some class,be a f*ckin lady!

♥. I spit every 16 every bar from the soul any melody & harmony come from stories never told;♪isme

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