Monday, December 14, 2009

Hip Hops Main Chick

I've had a love affair with music since85. We've been through so much together. He's listened when no one else cared. Hip Hop shared the stories of change,war,death,and love with me. It seemed I was the first he notified of a new development in his life. Some where along the way that changed. We ran out of subjects to talk about, no good stories had been left untold. I expressed to him that my favorite times in life were when it was just he and I late night in my bedroom. Mom was sleep, all was
silenced throughout the halls of the crib. Only noise being made and heard coming from the last room on the left with the Ready to Die poster on the door. The sounds coming from the room,were enough to offend any one.However mama didn't mind because she knew what it was,she knew I loved him,and he loved me.

I'm sure by now I sound like a broken record,but the suicide of hip hop is hard for me to swallow. Born in 1985, I am the epitome of genuine hip hop. The perfect mixture of classic,indie,story telling,gangsta,sexy,romantic and all other horizons in between. When hip-hop had a meaning. You can pop in any Rakim,MC Lyte,Run DMC,Slick Rick or any other artist from the 80-90's and listen from the minute the baselines drops til the last snare goes out and you will be 3minutes more intelligent. They told you stories. For instance MC Lyte's 'Georgie Porgie' gives you the impression that this track is about a dude hollarin at a chick and her reciprocating the attention. However listen to that last 16 and you gain such a diffent message from it. Don't drink and drive. Lessons like that are not taught in music any more.The message sent through the ballads now is so featherweight.Meaningless is a better word to describe it.

The beginning of HipHop's demise started with groups such as D4L,Dem Franchize Boys,Souljah Boy,Bow Wow, and the rest of the whippasnappas with 'instructional dance moves' tracks. The quality of music diminished so rapidly. The industry got so caught up in the quantity of bogus groups,fads,dance steps and catchy tunes, they forgot that there is a demand and NEED for eminent music with foundation,background and substance. It used to be that you had to have talent to get a deal. Nowadays YouTube,Twitter,and MySpace present a platform that make is easy for the most talent-less individual to mock the thing I love whole-heartedly. It seems almost as if as long as you have a'Richard Simmons' feel to ya joints you're a shoo-in. It's such a disrespect and low blow to those that have come before us. Those that not only did not have BET/MTV/VH1 to promote their music,but had to wait in lines,have the door of radio stations and record lables repeatedly slammed in their faces. Hoping,praying for that one opprotunity to share their song.Sacrificing,leaving their blood,sweat and tears in the booth.

My only question is when will someone revive Hip-Hop???? He's been laying stagnant for far too long. Who is going to bring the beat,hook,and message to his bedside and show him there is still hope,that we still care? I know there are many underground artists with a thesis on the rise and fall of hip hop,we just have to hunt for them. Sometimes you have to dig deep,under all the chaos there is some sanity waiting to surface. I only hope that TeamRealHipHop has enough stamina and determination to stick it out for the long hall. We've been beat to a pulp,never giving up and attempting to counter every weak blow the industry has thrown at us,but we're tired. Someone,anyone please send a life raft this may be our final S.O.S.

Hip Hop told me he missed me. He said I've been gone too long. I told him I've been here,he's the one that's been on hiatus. He apologized profusely,and begged for my forgiveness. What am I to do? You just want me to pick up where we left off and ride off into the sunset?? I ask him. You left me for such a sub par situation,full of mediocre people that do not respect you and do not deserve your love. He replied with such passion in his voice and tears in his eyes and said "She tricked me,ma. I thought she was the real thing,when she fell ill I thought I could save her,I now see she was beyond resuscitation,nothing that I did no matter the love I gave she was headed for self-destruction"

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